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Form 1095-C

All large employers are required to report offers of health coverage and enrollment in health coverage to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) via the Form 1095-C, a certificate of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage.

Illinois State University will be issuing Form 1095-C by January 31st, unless an IRS extension is given for the tax year. Form 1095-C is filed directly with the IRS; the copy that you receive is for your information only. You should retain a copy of the form, but should not attach it when submitting your tax return. When completing your return, you will be asked if you had full-year coverage (line 61 on Form 1040). Your Form(s) 1095-C will provide the information you need to answer this question. DO NOT file the Form(s) 1095-C with your tax return - it should be placed in your records with other important tax documents.

Form 1095-C contains information about who provides the health insurance, as well as other information about the health coverage that was offered to you. It will list the lowest monthly premium that you could have elected for the self-only health benefits we offered to you.

You can use the information on Form 1095-C to verify coverage (if ever required) for each month during the year. However, like last year, taxpayers can prepare and file their returns using other information about their health insurance. Other forms of documentation that would provide proof of your insurance coverage include:

  • insurance cards
  • explanation of benefits
  • statements from your insurer
  • W-2 or payroll statements reflecting health insurance deductions
  • other statements indicating that you, or a member of your family, had health care coverage

Additional information about the form can be found on the IRS website.

If you need to be mailed another 1095-C, please fill out a 1095-C Replacement Form and email it to or or by secure form Dropbox Sensitive Form Submission.

For questions on the content of Form 1095-C, contact Benefit Services at (309) 438-8311 or

For questions on the distribution of Form 1095-C, contact the University Payroll Office at (309) 438-7677 or

Learn more about receiving your tax documents electronically